Sea of paper
Themes as heavy as a boulder, in the works of Onorato, are depicted with a sort of sensory lightness.
In Claudio Onorato’s silhouette world, one can spot out the criticism to our contemporary geopolitical structure, economics and its fetishes . Every barrier can transform itself into a paper game, every conditioning, every element, whilst retaining its symbolic strength, shows its fragility. Everything makes sense even in the apparent disorder of forms, everything is connected to everything and, behind everything, one can find the being that never dies: it hides there, hides and reappears, if you look for it, and if you want it.
Claudio Onorato is a person capable of living art with the simplicity of someone who doesn’t realize they play an important role. It is extremely pleasant to understand how much his paper, his toys, labyrinths of the mind or explicit statements make, us dream. He gives us a compass. It is up to us to follow the north.
Francesco Tadini e Melina Scalise (art dealer)