Fabbrica Orobia 2012
The content and form of these stories is inevitably linked to the medium that Onorato chooses for his works: paper.
The artist draws on it, engraves it and cuts it out, letting the void obtained from this procedure allow the emergence of forms and narration. He draws from everyday life and news, chooses the subjects and situations of our time, and makes them first of all protagonists of his attention: Onorato draws on his paper almost frantically, fills the surfaces, makes the characters act and thinks about the work in a global way, saturating the space with a frenzy that never manages to lose its clarity. His chaos, in fact, is never unordered, but rather it is clear and clean: the present is the focus of his investigation, and the linearity that characterizes the formal structure of his works is nothing but a mirror where crystal clear lucidity is never improvised, and is interwoven with minute precision even in the thickest all-over. Elena Forin, (Art Critic and Curator)